    Burmese Phonetic
good koun [sc_embed_player fileurl=koun3-good]
I am fine koun ba deare [sc_embed_player fileurl=koun3-ba2-deare2-lay2-whatever-good]
Venerable Monk hsa ya dau [sc_embed_player fileurl=hsa1-ya2-dau2-venerable-monk
Yes hote [sc_embed_player fileurl=hote-yes]
What is this? da ba leare [sc_embed_player fileurl=da2-ba2-leare3-what-is-this]
This is the one! da beare [sc_embed_player fileurl=da2-beare3-this-is-the-one]
I want this one da lo chin deare [sc_embed_player fileurl=da2-lo2-chin2-want-this-one]
Here  de hma [sc_embed_player fileurl=de2-hma2-here]
What did you say?  ba leare [sc_embed_player fileurl=ba2-leare3-what]
What shall we eat? ba sa ja ma leare [sc_embed_player fileurl=ba2-sa3-ja1-what-shall-we-eat]
When will you come? beare dau la ma leare [sc_embed_player fileurl=beare2-dau1-la2-when-will-you-come]
How much? beare lout leare [sc_embed_player fileurl=beare2-lout-how-much]
There! ho hma [sc_embed_player fileurl=ho2-hma2-there]
Thank You! kyay zu tin ba deare [sc_embed_player fileurl=thank_you]
Wrong ma hote bu [sc_embed_player fileurl=ma1-hote-bu3-wrong]
I am not going ma thwa bu [sc_embed_player fileurl=ma1-thwa3-bu3-not-going]
Hello min gla ba [sc_embed_player fileurl=mingalaba_greeting]
To eat  sa [sc_embed_player fileurl=sa3-eat]
It was very good! thate koun ta beare [sc_embed_player fileurl=thate-koun3-ta2-beare3-very-good]
Happy wun tha [sc_embed_player fileurl=wun3-tha2-glad]
Sure ya ba deare [sc_embed_player fileurl=sure]
It’s clean thun deare [sc_embed_player fileurl=is-clean]