One of the issues in retaining youth in rural areas in developing economies is the lack of suitable educational facilities in remote and rural areas. With funding provided through the Indo-Pacific Plastic Recycling Revolution project, Saffron Aid will be instrumental in funding the construction of school buildings and providing essentials such as solar powered lighting, furniture and whiteboards in these regions.
Many of the current facilities are provided through local funding and monasteries. Relying on donations has resulted in many of the school buildings being cramped and having dual purpose, that is, a classroom during the day and a dining hall or sleeping area for people at other times.
One of the successes that many charitable organisations have been able to achieve in other developing areas is the construction of buildings to house libraries and to provide week-night accommodation for children who live at a distance from the school.
It is also envisaged, that with proceeds from the plastic recycling, computer facilities and the related infrastructure to supply electricity through solar technology will be one of the major steps forward for these communities. The attraction of computers in schools will increase the retention of students at the school and in their local communities thereby further enhancing the sustainability of these communities.
One of the advantages of assisting communities to build school and residential infrastructure is the added opportunity of using community leaders and ministries to design the purpose-built school infrastructures. Wherever possible materials will be sourced locally and the building process will enable skill development of local community members.